
Fully contained
Battery powered


The ShakeReactor is a wireless and battery-powered bioreactor for standard shake flasks, featuring three programmable pumps, along with monitoring of pH, dissolved oxygen, ambient humidity and temperature. Using pre-sterilized,

single-use sensor modules and liquid reservoirs, it ensures sterility with every setup, which makes it perfectly suited for cell cultivation.

The ShakeReactor can be used by anyone - its intuitive design makes it easy to learn, and setup takes less than 10 minutes - just click everything into place, and turn your flasks into bioreactors.

  • Battery lasts 9 days (standard pack) or 18 days (double pack)
  • Shaking up to 300 RPM with the atSpiro performance clamp
  • Compact design fits all common shaking incubators

The sensor is equipped with 2 probes (pH & DO), 3 large filters for passive aeration, and 2 tubes for sampling and inoculation. It is compatible with 500 mL and 1000 mL Corning flasks, both baffled and unbaffled.

  • Accuracy of ±0.03 pH and ±0.3 O2 mg/L

  • Measuring range of 2-10 pH and 0-20 O2 mg/L

  • Filter area of 1200 mm² with 0.20 µm pore size

  • Sampling ports with luer lock for needle-free sampling and inoculation







Dispensing is performed from single-use containers directly into the flask.

The containers can hold up to 3x 50 mL of liquid, including viscous solutions and strong acids or bases. Dispensing is based on volume displacement (similar to a syringe), ensuring accuracy and reliability. The ShakeReactor is equipped with a fill sensor that measures the container fill level, automatically calibrates, and primes each container before dispensing.

  • Accuracy of dispensed volume is >95%
  • Minimum dose volume of 36.5 µL


Connects your cultivations to your network

The BioHub manages all communication with your ShakeReactor. A single BioHub can connect to multiple ShakeReactors, and data is streamed directly to you. 

  • Access via 4G (provided) or local network
  • Connect to all ShakeReactors within 10 meters 
  • Local storage is large enough to store experiment data from
    12 ShakeReactors running continuously for 30 years


Control your experiments

from anywhere 

Set up experiments with your own custom recipes.

  • Automatic feeding with 3 customizable feed profiles
  • pH control with custom bounds - single or dual-sided
  • Automatic induction at a predetermined time 
  • Manual remote dispensing based on offline measurements
  • Monitor experiments from anywhere, on any device
  • Modify experimental setup at any time during a run